Live currency and foreign exchange rates by specifying source and destination quotes and optionally amount to calculate. Support vast amount of quotes around the world.
There is support for 19 different currencies:
- βSGDβ β Singapore Dollar
- βMYRβ β Malaysian Ringgit
- βEURβ β Euro [E.U.]
- βUSDβ β U.S. Dollar
- βAUDβ β Australian Dollar
- βJPYβ β Japanese Yen
- βCNHβ β Chinese Yuan
- βHKDβ β Hong Kong Dollar
- βCADβ β Canadian Dollar
- βINRβ β Indian Rupee
- βDKKβ β Danish Krone
- βGBPβ β Great Britain Pound [Sterling]
- βRUBβ β Russian Ruble
- βNZDβ β New Zealand Dollar
- βMXNβ β Mexican Peso
- βIDRβ β Indonesian Rupiah
- βTWDβ β Taiwanese Dollar
- βTHBβ β Thai Baht
- βVNDβ β Vietnamese Dong
This currency and foreign exchange returns the last or current price for each forex value.
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